Sunday, May 20, 2012

Steampunk Empire Symposium 2012

I recently had the pleasure of attending the inaugural Steampunk Symposium
at the Atrium hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Here we have Mr. Aloysius Fox the Co-Founder of 
the Steampunk Empire 
as well as the leader of the League of Cincinnati Steampunks

the symposium had wonderful guest like 
the fabulous Apparition Abolishers!
the steampunk ghost busters

the Vagabonds

they did a fantastic panel on thrifty steampunk
Ay-leen the Peacemaker
who did a panel on steampunk in anime

and the lovely Leanna Renee Hieber

a guest author who did a reading from one of her short stories "Charged"
in my opinion the story was incredible and got my sister who is not a big fan of reading wanting to buy her novels. 

Guest author Emilie P. Bush
there were many other great panels, games, concerts, venders and artist, as well as a midnight masquerade ball.

I can't wait for next years symposium!

Aloysius Fox Co-founded the Steampunk Empire as a way to bring the steampunk community together. it started in Cincinnati and spread internationally. the Steampunk Empire is like a Facebook for steampunks and there is group discussions on costuming, props, events and ethics as well and the many airship crews that have formed around the world. please join us.

here are some of the great costumes and guest of the weekend

Aloysius Fox with the crew of the Airship Passepartout (pass-par-too) including Sir Ernest Octave Suszczynski and Dr. Gintia Peaseblossom to his left and Miss Calamity Dawn and Dorian of Calamity Labs to the right. 

Miss Calamity Dawn on the left

                   Captain Anthony LaGrange of the Airship Archon

the Airship Archon

Zebulon Vitruvius Pike

the fabulous Madame Gigi aka Jeanette Watts
 teaching dance.

fantastic costume!!

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